Medicare, CDBS and Mobile Dental Services

Dentists who practice in association with oral health therapists with children using their provider number with the CDBS need to be aware of current PSR activity.

Statistical anomalies in relation to billing may often result in letters from Medicare notifying that dentists should check their compliance.. Dentists should immediately contact their indemnifiers to seek advice.

Having assisted many dentists in relation to these matters it is important that this correspondence is answered carefully with the benefit of knowledge and experience of the  Health Insurance Act and the PSR from the beginning

Issues with compliance in relation to the CDBS have been well publicised, but if you receive correspondence, seek expert legal advice. 

If you are a dentist who is not the practice owner, you should have a contract that provides you with protections.

The risk profile for  those who have billing performed in relation to others under their provider number is significant.

For a free discussion of the issues, call Brad on 07 3007 1777 or email