ALARA – Is there such a thing ?

February 15th, 2025|

In some recent work I had cause to consider radiology in dental practice. I had an interest in this through practice and an article I wrote when I first

CBCT Risk Management

February 15th, 2025|

  It is generally accepted that dentists recording CBVT- particularly large volume CBVT datasets- have responsibility for the interpretation of all data, not just the area of interest. (Dentists who

The ARPANSA code of 2019?

January 9th, 2025|

Broadly, the code reflects common sense. This is just my interpretation. It’s not advice. Some radiologists say that there is no such thing as a routine radiograph. They are

The Non Doctor will see you now….

May 31st, 2022|

In Lee v R [2022] NSWDC 178 a sentence from the magistrates court was appealed in that an intensive correction order for 18 months rather than 2 years was imposed on

Conditions are not optional…

May 31st, 2022|

In Ibrahim v Dental Board of Australia (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 423, the consequences of non compliance with supervision conditions were explored. Dr Ibrahim sought a review of the

Stays despite ‘limited’ grounds

May 31st, 2022|

In Jayswal v Medical Council of New South Wales [2022] NSWCATOD 53, the Tribunal granted a stay of a suspension to a medical practitioner who had been suspended because the

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